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M aria V erb itskaya
L indsay W hite
Rod F rieker
Olga M indrul
E katerin a N echaeva
Irina T verdokhlebova
Алгоритм успеха
* ★*
^екий *
Рабочая тетрадь
для учащихся общеобразовательных
Под редакцией доктора филологических наук,
профессора М. В. Вербицкой
2-е издание, стереотипное
«Вентана-Граф »
Pearson Education Limited
УДК 373.167.1:811.111
ББК 81.2Англ-922
Авторы: д-р филол. наук, проф. М. В. Вербицкая, Л. Уайт, Р. Фрикер,
О. С. Миндрул, Е. Н. Нечаева, И. П. Твердохлебова
Аудиоприложение к рабочей тетради доступно
на сайте росуч еб ник.рф/au d iо
А н г л и й с к и й я з ы к : 9 класс : рабочая тетрадь для учащихся
А 64 общеобразовательных организаций / |М. В. Вербицкая, Л. Уайт,
Р. Фрикер и др.] ; под ред. М. В. Вербицкой. — 2-е изд., стереотип. —
М. : Вентана-Граф : Pearson Education Limited, 2019. — 88 с. : ил. —
(Российский учебник : Forward).
ISBN 978-5-360-10313-4
Рабочая тетрадь входит в состав учебно-методического комплекта «Forward»
для 9 класса и дополняет учебник системой заданий, обеспечивающих
комплексное развитие умений и навыков в аудировании, говорении, чтении и
письме. В тетрадь включены тесты для самопроверки с ответами.
УМК для 9 класса входит в систему учебно-методических комплектов
«Алгоритм успеха».
Соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту
основного общего образования (2010 г.).
УДК 373.167.1:811.111
ББК 81.2Англ-922
ISB N 978-5-360-10313-4
© Издательский центр «Вентана-Граф», 2018
© Pearson Education Limited, 2018
E n te rta in us!
Direct and reported speech
D ire c t s p ee c h
R e p o rte d s p e e c h
Present Simple
‘ Barbara doesn’t like History.’
Past Simple
Pete said (that) Barbara d idn’t like History.
Present Continuous
‘The girls are having a great time in New York.’
Past Continuous
Pete said (that) the girls were having a great time in
New York.
Present Perfect
‘The Russian swimmer has won the race.’
—> Past Perfect
Pete said (that) the Russian swimmer had won the race.
Past Simple
‘It d idn’t take much tim e .’

‘ Everybody will have to take the final exam .’
1 Direct speech
We use direct speech to repeat exactly what the
person said. We use quotation marks (“ " or ‘ ’)
to show direct speech.
7 am sorry.'
She said, “I am sorry. ’
Past Perfect
Pete said (that) it hadn’t taken much time.
Pete said (that) everybody would have to take the final
2 Reported speech
We use reported speech to repeat what was said in our
7 am sorry.' -* She said (that) she was sorry.
Changes to possessive adjectives and pronouns:
‘I t ’s m y cam era.' -* She said ( that) it was h e r camera.
‘That cam era’s m in e .' - * She said (that) the camera was
7 saw h er la s t week, ’ he said. - * He said (that) he had
seen h er the w e e k b efo re.
Circle the correct alternative.
1 Tim said, ‘I t ’s a g rea t film .’
He t o l d __
a th a t it was a g re a t film ,
b said it was a g re a t film .
0 me th a t it was a g re a t film .
2 H elena said, ‘I ’m seeing th e film tom orrow .’
She s a i d __
a th a t she was seeing th e film th e n e x t day.
b she w ould see th e film tom orrow ,
c th a t she had seen th e film .
3 George said, ‘This is my fav o u rite film .’
He s a i d __
a it is his favourite film ,
b it was his fav o u rite film ,
c me th a t it was his fav o u rite film .
4 Ben said, ‘I took my s is te r to see th e film .’
He to ld m e __ to see th e film .
a th a t he had tak e n his siste r
b he was tak in g his siste r
c he had tak e n m y siste r
5 Olivia said, ‘W e’ve seen several film s in th is
cinem a.’
She said t h a t __
a they saw several film s in th a t cinema,
b th ey had seen several film s in th is cinema,
c th ey had seen several film s in th a t cinema.
6 Leo said, ‘You m ust go and see the new V iking
film !’
He to ld me t h a t __
a I m u st w ent and see the new V ik in g film,
b I w ent to see th e new V ik in g film,
с I had to go and see the new V ikin g film.
7 Bill said, ‘The tickets in the hall are m ine.’
He said th a t the tickets in the hall —
a were m ine,
b are his.
c were his.
Write the short conversations as indirect
3 Write the famous lines in direct speech.
1 Lord B aelish said th a t a lot could happen
betw een now and never.
(film Gam e o f Thrones)
2 V alery K harlam ov said th a t one had to live not
fo r fam e o r prizes.
(film L egend No. 17)
3 P re sid e n t Snow said th a t hope was th e only
th in g stro n g e r th a n fear.
1 Dan
I w ant to see th e new cartoon.
I ’ve seen it.
(film The H u n g e r Games)
4 K olchak said th a t he had been loyal to th e arm y
Dan said he warrfed io see the new carfoon.
Nlaomi fold him ihai she had seen if._________________
2 Sarah
and loved his soldiers.
I love th e new film of A lice Through
the Looking Glass.
I th in k i t ’s terrib le.
(film The A d m ira l)
5 S tie rlitz said th a t a sm all lie created big
d istru st.
3 Judy
W e can go and see th e new M en in
B lack film to n ig h t.
I ’ve never enjoyed a science fiction
film .
They’re very funny — I ’m su re you’ll
like it.
(film S e ven teen M o m e n ts o f Spring)
6 R osalie to ld B ella th a t she d id n ’t h a te h er b u t
envied h e r because she had a choice.
(film The T w ilight Saga: Eclipse)
4 Ivan
My fav o u rite film is L egend No. 17.
I t ’s m ine too! I ’ve seen it six tim es
th is year!
7 D orothy said th a t th e re was no place like home.
(film The W iza rd o f Oz)
5 Ja m e s
8 Lord B eckett said th a t every m an had a price he
w ould w illingly accept.
You know a lot about film s.
My p a re n ts gave me an encyclopaedia
of th e cinem a fo r my b irth d a y last
(film The P irates o f th e Caribbean)
9 A n n a said th a t she had never been s tric t or
in to le ra n t as she had no tim e fo r th a t.
6 Ken
Ja m e s
I don’t th in k th e d ire c to r A lfred
H itchcock ever won an Oscar.
I ’m su rp rise d because H itchcock m ade
lots of g re a t film s.
(book/film A n n a K arenina)
7 Gina
The cinem a is show ing all of the
M a sh a a n d the B ear cartoons film s
th is weekend.
I don’t w ant to go. I ’ve seen them all.
Which quotes in Exercise 3 do you agree with?
Which ones do you disagree with? Give
reasons. Be ready to share your ideas with
your classm ates.
year Hollywood and movie fans turn
their attention to the Academy Awards. The
awards are for different achievements such
as best director, best actor/actress, best
film editing, best original soundtrack and
best visual effects. However, you — like
most people — probably